Ask the Cards: Take the Trip?
Dear Tarot Cards,
What would it look like for me to make the trip up to Washington to join a healers circle this year? Would love some clarity!
xo Take the Trip
Dear Take the Trip,
For your question, I pulled three cards from the Motherpeace Deck to help you gain clarity about your interest in taking a trip to Washington to join a healers circle this year. And here they are:
What does it look like to take the trip? Six of Wands/Fire
Yes! Success! Victory! Empowerment! If this card could speak, those are the words it would shout with a voice full of celebratory fire.
The six of wands is the part of the story where you just made it through something arduous, something that pushed you more than you may have ever been pushed before, something that made you doubt for a moment (or twenty) that you could even do it.
But, by facing that voice of doubt and meeting it with care, love, and commitment, YOU DID IT! It’s getting to the top of the mountain, hitting “send” on that really-hard-but-necessary-to-write email, finishing the project you’ve been working on for months.
Soo, what would it look like to make the trip? I think it looks like you stepping into your power by facing any inner obstacles that may be getting in the way of your clarity! And my sense is that the gathering may play an important role in doing that work.
For now, here are some questions you may want to contemplate, discuss, or journal about:
Are you currently working through something that stretches your comfort zone?
What are different parts of you saying as you work though this challenge?
Are any of them trying to protect you by telling you to quit?
Are some parts saying limiting things about and to you?
If so, practice turning toward those parts with curiosity and compassion, asking them where they are coming from, and assuring them that your present-day adult self has all the resources it needs to overcome this challenge. And then keep moving through it with vulnerability and courage!
What’s a potential challenge? Four of Swords/Air
As you can see, this card is about presence and the stability that comes with a four-sided pyramid. The person here is meditating and it appears that their chakras are aligned. Her mind is focused, present, and calm.
The Four of Swords traditionally represents a moment or period of repose or, as David James Duncan once called it, strategic withdrawal.
And it looks like the kind of situation you may find yourself in at a healers gathering!
As lovely as this card is, if the mind is not at ease, being in this kind of solitary, slow space can be uncomfortable—even agonizing at times. So a potential challenge that may arise in this gathering and/or the journey to get there is the discomfort many of us experience when we’re away from all distractions and our minds do their wild, unbidden dance.
What comes up for you when you think about being in a quiet space with lots of time for your mind to roam? Do any fears arise? You might write from the prompts:
When I’m alone with my mind… and
Some fearful stories a part of me tells are…
I can soothe them by…
What is my first step forward? Nine of Discs/Earth
Mmmm, this is another lovely image of a person in a state of strategic withdrawal. She’s found a special spot for herself in the desert and she’s filling it with her art and rituals.
This card is about the gifts of inner abundance, particularly the sense of fullness that we can access when we retreat alone to connect deeply with ourselves, our creativity, and the natural world.
Sooo, I think this card is saying that your first step toward clarity and/or getting to the gathering is to take yourself to the natural world with your art supplies or notebook or sacred objects and create a personalized ritual that helps you release any blocks to clarity and/or confidence (you don’t need to know what they are to release them), name your intentions and desires, and open up to embodying the empowered fire being we saw in the first card.
May the journey be rich!
xo, The Cards
About Ask the Cards
Ask the Cards is a monthly advice-style column in which I do a free and anonymous mini-tarot reading that draws upon my interpretations of the card(s) I pull for you.
And I need your questions! If you’d like to contribute your question to the column, please fill out this form.