Pluto Power
Power Source: Pluto in the Birth Chart
Each planet in our astrological charts represents a different part of ourselves. These parts are universal archetypes, but the way they express themselves is completely unique to each person.
Pluto reflects the part of us that resides beneath the surface of existence. The part that roams the underworld, winds its way through dark tunnels, around tree roots and mycelial networks. This part is connected to our innermost core and is guided by the mandates of our soul.
Our inner Pluto feels its way through through mystery, challenge, fear, and great beauty and is completely transformed by them all.
When we work with Pluto as a part of our healing and evolutionary journeys, we are invited to confront our deepest fears and, in doing so, discover and reclaim the source of our greatest powers.
Pluto is the farthest out (non)planet in our solar system, so it takes a looong time to work its way around the Zodiac—about 250 years for one full spin with a stay of 12-30 years in each sign.
Because Pluto spends so much time in each sign, everybody born within several years of you will share the same Pluto sign. And so, the sign where Pluto resides in your chart reflects more about the transformational themes of the cohort you were born into than it does about your unique self.
That said, Pluto in your birth chart can be one of the most personally transformative and healing planets to work with. When we look at the house it's in, as well as its relationship to the luminaries, planets, and points in your chart, we gain access to your soul’s deep knowing and vast healing powers.
We discover the domains of your life where cycles of death and rebirth are most common, and identify tools to support you as you navigate the often-uncomfortable terrain of surrender and release.
Pluto work is journey work. It’s an expedition that travels through the landscape of daily life, but over time requires us to engage our intuition, will, courage, and core strengths so we may shed the layers of our being that no longer serve us.
Pluto in Aquarius: Transforming Society Through Community
On November 19th, 2024, Pluto will enter Aquarius and will stay there for TWENTY YEARS. That means that we are at the very beginning of a collective journey of major growth and transformation regarding all things Aquarius. And during that journey, many things must die.
At its finest, Aquarius is a communitarian, one who refuses to live by the status quo but embraces their authenticity and offers it as a gift to the collective. Aquarius cares for the wellbeing of all beings, and it thrives in communities of folks who share those ideals. It’s a revolutionary who fights for the greater good and might dress up as a giant puppet while doing so.
Immature Aquarius
At its shadowiest, Aquarius is cold and aloof, too caught up in creating badass technologies to care about living, breathing, beating hearts. Or so obsessed with its need to rebel against established structures that it ignores the destruction it leaves in its wake.
And look at where we are RIGHT NOW. We have a newly elected president and his billionaire tech-bro BFF already doing everything they can to dismantle the system of government that our country has been working with for over 200 years (exactly one Pluto cycle!). They are doing so for the benefit of themselves and the small group of people just like them, and their rhetoric about caring for the rest of us is simply a tool they employed to claim power. Textbook shadowy Aquarius.
Evolutionary Aquarius
At the same time, creating community is the call I have heard most consistently in online discussions since the election. As Andrea Gibson wrote in this beautiful post, “Our lives are in our hands.” They always have been, Andrea says, but that truth is more stark than ever right now. In the coming years, we cannot expect the federal government to take care of us, the land, the air, the seas, or the atmosphere.
But we can take care of each other. We can build communities and coalitions out of the belief that every being has a right to a good life and all the resources necessary to make it so. We can help each other grow food and share our bounty.
We can stop putting money into billionaire’s hands and support our local businesses and leaders. We can BE the local businesses, leaders, and gathering spaces.
We can hold space for one another’s grief, fear, and pain, and allow ourselves to be transformed by it. We can laugh and weave and make art and sweat and play and work hard together, and transform the collective with those things too.
We can do the highest work of Pluto in Aquarius by doing it together—with each one of us offering our truest, most authentic gifts to the (r)evolution of our society. For some, that’s marching in the streets. For others, it’s lawyering up and holding others accountable, teaching critical thinking skills in classrooms, or being a damn fine parent. We need it all. We need us all.
Courage collage made with Nikki McClure art.
For me, it’s holding nurturing, healing space to help others process personal and collective traumas. It’s sharing what I’m learning about transformative conflict and self-sufficiency by living in a rural intentional community. It’s making herbal medicine and joyful art and insisting that love and beauty are our birthright.
And you? What is your most authentic self longing to express? How does it want to participate in imagining—and then creating—a better future for all beings?
Pluto may have some clues for you. If you’d like to explore what Pluto in your birth chart reveals about your soul’s deepest powers and how this 20-year journey of Pluto in Aquarius may manifest for you, I’m offering a deal on Pluto Power readings for the month of November. You can book a recorded or live reading here.
With love from my depths, xo Bex