Sweet Start Writing Session: Two of Swords

Hello loves! Every other Monday morning I’m posting a 30ish-minute video on our YouTube Channel of a guided meditation and freewriting session inspired by a randomly pulled tarot card. This week it was the Two of Swords.

If you’d like to join me in the woods to work with this card, please watch the video below!

If you’d prefer to work with the writing prompts in your own time and space, I typed them up below. And if you care to share any of the writing that came from the prompts, please share in the comments!

xoxo Bex

Prompts Inspired by the Two of Swords!

  • (1 min): Make a list of as many seemingly opposing parts of yourself that come to mind and/or choices you are struggling to make. Ie., good/bad, vulnerable/guarded, keep working on it/leave…

  • Read through your list and choose one of the pairs that has the most energy or that you want to work with most.

  • Beginning with the first word of the pair, write from the following prompts for One Minute (or more!) each:

    • The ____ part comes out when…

    • The ____ part wants…

    • The ____ part is supportive when…

    • The ____ part is out of balance when…

    • In my body, the ____ part feels…

  • Next, write from the same series of prompts using the second word or phrasing in the pairing.

  • Now, take a moment to embody the tarot card, crossing your arms over your chest and closing your eyes. Let yourself feel the swords in your hands as representations of two different parts or choices pointing in opposing directions. Notice how your heart feels.

  • Next, uncross your arms and let them drop. Open your eyes. Open your hands and let the swords fall to the ground so now you are free of thoughts. Notice how your heart feels.

  • Finally, write from the prompt: My heart knows… for five minutes.

  • Now read everything you just wrote aloud and notice how it feels to speak and receive those words.


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