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New Moon Circle: Pisces/Neptune


Join me for year of queens! Beginning with the Aries new moon, we will meet each month to connect with that moon’s guiding planet in its queenliest form and all that it symbolizes through guided meditation, freewriting, your natal chart, crafting, and small group sharing. Come in comfy clothes with your tea, your notebook + pen, your art supplies, and an openness to whatever unfolds. You can sign up for the whole year or drop in one moon at a time.

The Deeper Vision

Each sign of the Zodiac is guided by one or more planets, asteriods, or luminaries. And so, during each new moon, the planet associated with the sign of the new moon is activated in our astrological charts. For example, when the new moon is in Aries, the places where Mars (Aries’ guiding planet) shows up in our charts sizzles a bit more than usual.

The planets that we focus on in Western Astrology represent some of the gods and goddesses of the Ancient Roman pantheon. And let’s face it, with the exception of Venus and the moon, the planets we work with are all associated with male gods, and that often limits how much I can really connect with them.

Well into my late forties, I feel far from my Crone and Elder years, yet far from my young adult years. In this in-between era that many call middle-age, I am drawn to move with the energy of the Queen. The kind of queen who knows and accepts herself well enough that she can relax in mixed company. The kind who doesn’t have to prove anything to anyone because she doesn’t have to prove anything to herself. The kind who laughs freely and gives generously and receives wholeheartedly and honors her own boundaries because she knows she is worth it. Wanna join me on this journey to embody the Queen? All genders are welcome!

As whole beings, Queens are multi-faceted, and the planets of the zodiac can help us connect with the fullness of their archetype. When we work with Mars, for example, we will explore how the Warrior Queen or Queen of Fresh Fire lives in us. With Mercury we will get to know our wide-minded Communications Queen better. And we will do so through guided meditation, freewriting, crafting, small group conversations, and sharing.

For the arts + crafts component, I invite everyone to make a collage or drawing of the themes represented by that month’s planet and the ways it shows up in your astrological chart (I will help you). By the end of the astro-year you will have a highly personalized deck of cards reflecting your very own queenly archetypes. That said, you are welcome to play with any arts + crafts medium during our craft time. This time is for YOU!

January 26

New Moon Circle: Aquarius/Uranus

March 30

Soul Skills for the Love Revolution: Aries